React and Tailwind CSS UI Library

Build faster, design better in React and Tailwind CSS

Access a library of React and Tailwind CSS components.Design and build better websites in minutes.No package installation required.

Free plan. No credit card required.
App Image

Production-ready components. Simply copy and paste.

Components created with ❤️ by CodeSnaps

Build websites as quickly as with no-code tools.Each week, we add several new components.

Code Snippets

Detailed React and next.js Code Snippets Ready to Use in Your Projects

Our code snippets can be easily copied with a simple click of a button. Each component can be saved and previewed.
Code Snippet
Component Filtering

Advanced Filtering

Real-Time and Extensive Filtering to Find the Right Components in Seconds

Explore filters for search, category, text alignment, layout, columns, and elements. Mix and match these filters to find the perfect components in seconds.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a free plan?

Yes, we offer a free plan with plenty of components to build full websites. No credit card required.

In what frameworks are the components available?

We built all components using Tailwind CSS and React and Next.js.

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. You can do this from your account settings.

Can I use the components in commercial projects?

Yes, you are allowed to use the components in commercial projects, including client projects. However, you cannot resell or redistribute the components for page builders or as a UI library like this one.

How many components are available?

Since we are just starting, we have a few available. We are adding many new components every week.

Where can I find my invoices?

You can find your invoices in your account settings.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal.

Get started for free. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Start building with CodeSnaps today.

Get started on our free plan and upgrade when you are ready.


30 Components
To get started with CodeSnaps and dip your toes in.
  • Built in dark mode
  • Copy and paste code snippets
  • Filter and search
  • Save favorite components
  • Invite team members
  • Access to 30 components


Limited Time
First 100 users: Get our lifetime plan at $29 instead of $99.
  • Built in dark mode
  • Copy and paste code snippets
  • Filter and search
  • Save favorite components
  • Invite team members
  • Access to all components
  • New components every week
  • Lifetime access


Full Access
To access all components and new components every week.
  • Built in dark mode
  • Copy and paste code snippets
  • Filter and search
  • Save favorite components
  • Invite team members
  • Access to all components
  • New components every week

I've always been envious of how many no-code tools designers have to create beautiful websites quickly.

But developers don't have that luxury, and there aren't many great libraries and resources to help us work smarter, not harder.

So most of us end up in one of two boats: either we build things from scratch (which can be a real time sink), or we settle for no-code tools that have their limitations.

That's why I created CodeSnaps - to help developers build websites and MVPs faster, using the tech stacks they love.

Every single component in CodeSnaps has a clean and minimalist design. Use it to wireframe, design, or build your projects. Give it a try!

Kaumon, Founder of CodeSnaps

Kaumon A.

Creator of CodeSnaps